Here are a few helpful tips when planning a newborn session:

  1. Please share any “Pinterest” ideas you have in mind at least a week prior to the session so that if there are any ideas that need planning, that can be accomplished.
  2. Set aside items that you might want in the photo with the newborn baby. This would be a good time to convey what colors you would like used during the session.
  3. Try to plan the session during the baby’s normal nap time.

The Day of the Newborn Shoot:

  1. Make sure the baby is fed and has a full belly. It makes it so much easier during the session if the baby has been fed and burped prior so that they are sleepy. It helps the photographer when it comes to posing that precious baby.
  2. Some clients like to bring things to keep the baby calm, like a white noise app on their phone or a pacifier. Please bring anything that you feel would help sooth the baby.
  3.  Bring siblings, if applicable, and plan on the siblings and baby being the first few shots of the session. Then, siblings can play while the rest of the session is completed.
  4. Bring extra diapers, clothes and bottles (if bottle fed).
  5. Most of all, remain flexible and patient as sometimes, sessions don’t go according to plan. And it’s okay if they don’t! We will get some great shots regardless and try to have fun.